style="margin-top:40px;" The White Witches cottage: WOYWW (what's on your Workdesk Wednesday),

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

WOYWW (what's on your Workdesk Wednesday),

Hello Friends,   Well I missed last week cause I am still on the road.  I was in SC but as of right now we are in Jackson Fla.. and yes it's cold here!  It's nuts like the cold is following us and we just can't get to warm weather  :-(
 Ok so here is my make shift desk for this week...  the bed and the heater :-)  But I have a great big window that makes it nice.

This is the 2 pages I have been working on while on the road.. I did the paint at home, so  I would have the messy part done and glued pieces too.

If you would like to see more stuff please check out this Face book page,   
~~~****  Please add some of your own Art to the site ****~~~
Should be up and running for all new artist to post your work.
Thank you and Bright Blessing to you and yours.


  1. Oh wow, I love your pages!

    Happy woyww.

    Zoe #38

  2. Your pages are fascinating! Hope you get some warm weather to play outside! Happy WOYWW!
    Carol N # 67

  3. Hi Roberta
    I hope you get warm soon and I am loving your two pieces that you have been working on
    Have a great WOYWW today and enjoy the rest of your week
    Hugs Ria #6

  4. Cool pages! Yea really cold in Jacksonville. :) I'm four hours south and we're cold! Hope it warms up and you get to enjoy the real Florida! Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #76

  5. Hope we all warm up soon here in the US. I love the sentiments on your pages. The pages are A-Mazing! Thanks for visiting me. Happy Wednesday. LisaDV#79

  6. you have some lovely pages there Lx

  7. Love your pages - you may not have been able to have much stuff with you, but you've made fab art with them! Hope you warm up soon. Helen 100

  8. Both pages are just fantastic!
    Happy travels and happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #50

  9. I'll gladly trade MY cold for YOUR cold (grin). This morning, Bleubeard's water bowl was frozen over. I swear I have NO insulation in my house. But I like your makeshift setup while you are traveling. It looks like your pages are pure works of art. I'm a bit late, but happy belated WOYWW from #5.

  10. "on the road again....." Lovely pages indeed. enjoy your time out and about - sometimes crafting with limited supplies can be a challenge but so revealing too! And no, my Gelli plate is still in a state....maybe today..... :)

    {sigh} now DS-less and catching up
    Mary Anne (3)
